Hello, we are Mike and Alexandra! We are excited to share our story with you. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us as prospective parents. 

We met through an online dating website in 2010 after noticing our families both had the same breed of dog, an Airedale Terrier. Our first date was dinner and a movie; we saw “Shutter Island.” Three years and many dates later, Mike proposed at the same theater where we first met, a total surprise! We were married in August of 2014. We are best friends and feel so lucky to be able to spend our lives with each other, throughout both the difficult moments and the joyful ones. 

After being married for a few years, we discovered it was possible that any biological child we had might be born with a potentially serious health condition. We decided not to have children of our own and to pursue adoption. We are so excited to adopt a little one and start the journey of growing our family through adoption.

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Financial Support

Expectant mothers who choose to make an adoption plan may qualify for some level of financial assistance during their pregnancy. However, each person's situation and specific needs are different. Your adoption social worker can help you determine what level of assistance you qualify for and deserve. Many expectant mothers qualify for financial assistance to cover basic pregnancy and living expenses, including but not limited to - transportation reimbursement, utility assistance for phone, water, and electricity/gas, maternity clothing and supplements, etc.


Food & Groceries


Medical Expenses


Rent & Utilities


Household Items





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FAQ’s about placing a baby for Adoption

I'm considering giving my baby up for adoption. How much does that cost?

It won't cost you anything. If you choose to place your baby for adoption, all of your medical and legal fees will be covered and you may be eligible for financial assistance with other pregnancy-related expenses.

I'm experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and don't know who the birth father is. Can I still place my baby for adoption?

Yes. Even if you don’t know the identity of the birth father, you can still choose to make an adoption plan. However, every adoption situation is different. The adoption social worker you’re assigned to will get to know you and your story first, and then guide you through the process accordingly.

When is the right time to talk with an adoption professional?

You can make an adoption plan at any point in your pregnancy, even after the baby has been born. But, it's important to start the process as early in your pregnancy as possible. Connecting with those resources will allow you to gain access to important medical services, including prenatal care, to help ensure a healthy pregnancy.

When I create an adoption plan, will I get to choose who is in the room with me during delivery?

One aspect of your adoption plan is the "Hospital Plan" an outline of how you'd like your hospital stay and delivery to go. You can craft this on your own or with the help of your adoption social worker. But everything is up to you. You’ll be able to choose who comes to the hospital with you, who is in the room with you during delivery, and how much time you’d like to spend with the baby before signing the final papers.

How much contact will I have with the adoptive family after I place my baby with them?

As part of your adoption plan, you'll determine whether or not you’d like to have an open or closed adoption or something in between. Open adoptions may include phone calls, messaging (via social media, email, or text), and/or periodic visits each year. Closed adoptions may include no contact at all or annual updates provided to the birth parent(s) by the adoptive family. Each post-adoption relationship is different and can vary based on what an expectant mother chooses in her adoption plan.

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Our Blogs

Sunday at Silver Lake


Yesterday we decided we needed to get out of the heat and visit Silver Lake. It was nice to be able to take in some fresh, pine tree scented air, listen to the sound of birds different from the ones in our neighborhood, and do some people watching too. We saw deer, ducks, squirrels, and lots of blue dragonflies. It was also wildflower season, so it was fun to see all of them scattered around in little pockets around the lake. Silver Lake has a boardwalk/trail that goes around it for about a mile. Lots of parents with young kids were there either pushing strollers or carrying the child on their shoulders. I'm excited to oneday be able to go around the boardwalk with a little one, counting how many squirrels we see, or trying to spot a fish or two! 

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Pacific Coast Highway Vacation


A few years back Mike and I drove from Portland Oregon down the pacific 1 highway to San Francisco, California. We love road trips and being able to stop and see amazing beaches and views of the ocean was so fun. This year we decided to finish our Pacific Coast Highway trip by driving along the coast from San Francisco down to San Diego, California. We stopped at Disneyland, the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park, and many art and history museums along the way. It was such a nice break from our day to day routine. I was amazed to see so many different kinds of blooming trees and flowers along the way! I imagine one day taking a child along the same route and sharing the magic of Disneyland, exploring beaches for sea shells, and spotting giraffes and kangaroos on a zoo safari!

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Adventures at the Natural History Museum!


 A few weeks ago we decided to visit the Natural History Museum! It had been a while since we had visited and we both love to learn and explore museums. We feel so lucky there are so many great museums close by and we are looking forward to the day when we can take a little one to check out the amazing dinosaur exhibits! We had a fun afternoon together and we even got to see some live owls and hawks that were being shown by volunteers at the museum! Fun fact: Alexandra's favorite dinosaur is the Triceratops and Mike's favorite is the Allosaurus, which is actually the Utah state fossil! 

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Welcome Leo!


We added a new fuzzy member to the family! Meet Leo, he is a 7 year old tabby cat we recently rescued from the Humane Society of Utah. He is a loving and curious boy and we have enjoyed watching him adapt to his new surroundings. His favorite things are: chasing string, getting his fur brushed, and watching for birds out the window. He cannot wait to introduce a child to our animals, they are so gentle and loving. Mike and I both have a soft spot for animals, so we anticipate many trips to the Hogle Zoo, the Aquarium, and the aviary! 

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Highlights of 2021


This year has at times gone quickly and at other times feels like it has slowly chugged along, but we have made the most of it! Here are some of our favorite highlights of the year! This summer we were able to visit Alexandra's sister Olivia and her husband Ryan in NYC. We were also able to meet their sweet new baby! Along with getting lots of baby snuggles and cuddles, we were lucky enough to explore the city. We loved seeing the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, roaming around Central Park, and seeing amazing art at several museums!  We saw several dinner theater shows at Desert Star! They have hilarious musicals and skits which poke some fun at the Utah culture. We love getting the chicken, bacon, ranch pizza and the occassional Coke float! We also planted a few trees in the yard last spring. Fingers crossed they bounce back next spring, our last summer was very hot and dry and we are hoping they made it through the drought, only time will tell. We love planting new types of bulbs and plants and seeing which ones do well and which might need a little more encouragement.  We...

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Visit us as we document our journey on Instagram @  https://www.instagram.com/mike.and.alexandra.adopt/

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